【編みもも散歩】アジアのハワイ🏝️ベトナムダナンに行ってきた① #新婚旅行 #海外旅行 #ダナン #海

【編みもも散歩】アジアのハワイ🏝️ベトナムダナンに行ってきた① #新婚旅行 #海外旅行 #ダナン #海



ザ ブロッサム リゾート アイランド【オールインクルーシブ】 (THE BLOSSOM RESORT ISLAND – All Inclusive)

🍜Phở Cù Hà Nội – quán phở ngon uy tín chất lượng tại Đà Nẵng



② ダナンお食事処🍽️ · Momoko


In August 2023, I went on a honeymoon to Da Nang, Vietnam 🇻🇳. The Da Nang area is referred to as the “Hawaii of Asia,” a resort destination. While still in the process of development, numerous foreign-owned hotels were under construction! I was convinced that the cityscape would undergo significant changes in the coming years.

Being hesitant to travel abroad due to the weak yen, Vietnam turned out to be an affordable and safe country. The cuisine was truly delicious, with authentic dishes like pho and banh mi standing out. It’s a country where even those who are not fond of herbs can enjoy the food 🍜✨.

#新婚旅行 #海外旅行 #旅 #観光 #編みもも散歩 #ベトナム #ダナン #海 #アジアのハワイ #ベトナム料理 #ドラゴン橋 #ロン川 #grabタクシー #grab #agoda #vietnamairlines #honeymoon #trip #sightseeing #dragonbridge #Da Nang #夜景 #新婚 #結婚
